5 Reasons Why You Should Try Keto

Both the physical and mental benefits.

Maddie Rose


Any diet that restricts certain food groups can get a bad rap, and often rightly so. Restricting certain food groups can cause people to develop an unhealthy relationship with particular food — they view certain types of food as ‘good’ and ‘bad’. It leads to feelings of tremoundous guilt when they think they’ve ‘caved in’ and eaten a ‘bad’ food. It can cause binging due to a vicious restrict and binge cycle which many of us have encountered.

In reality, a healthy mindset towards food would see us being able to eat anything we feel like eating — all in moderation.

For me, trying keto wasn’t about creating ‘forbidden foods’ for myself. It was about acknowledging certain foods that make me feel bloated and lethargic. It was about fuelling my body in a way that not only made me feel good physically, but mentally also.

What works for me, might not work for you. But there’s a reason so many people swear by keto. Below are my 5 reasons as to why I’m a low carb high fat convert.

Reason 1: It will reduce your hunger.

I used to be ruled by hunger. I had an insatiable appetite, which would lead to binge eating and portion sizes beyond the rhelm of normal. I could rarely control it.

A keto diet is arguably one of the best appetite suppressants out there. Unlike other diets, keto helps balance your hormones, so you feel satisfied for longer. This is due to limiting carbohydrates and focusing on eating healthy fats — a combination which helps balance your blood sugar levels and ultimately reduces cravings.

I can’t really put into words how freeing it is to no longer be ruled by my next meal. To be able to say ‘no’ to seconds because I’m genuinely satisfied, to not have to panic when we go out for a shared meal and worry that my friends won’t order enough.

Keto keeps me fuelled and full with healthy fats, and my sugar and carbohydrate cravings rarely breach the surface anymore. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, and therefore my desire to binge is never a problem.

I eat keto 95% of the time and occasionally enjoy a pizza/pasta/burger if I feel like it. But most of the time, I don’t want to, because I know my mind and body function better without refined carbs and sugar.

Reason 2: You can lose weight easily.

I’ve lost 20kg total on the keto diet, over 18 months. We lose weight by being in a calorie deficit (burning more calories than we consume). You can do this with any diet or simply eating in moderation— keto is not the magic answer. But with keto, it’s easy to automatically consume less calories without thinking too much about it.

Not only do you feel less hungry on a keto diet, but by swapping or removing the carbohydrate portion of your meals you can drastically reduce the calorie count of each meal.

If you have lettuce wrap burgers instead of buns, if you have cauliflower rice instead of white and brown rice, if you’re eating meat and vegetables instead of giant bowls of pasta — it’s all going to add up… very quickly.

Reason 3: You’ll have so much more energy.

Although I’ve always enjoyed exercising (at least, most of the time), I often found it hard to muster the energy to even go for a stroll. Now, being in ketosis, I feel rather electric.

I walk everyday, and then do either a HIIT, pilates or strength workout. Sometimes, I even do a third workout in the evening (usually something fun like a dance workout on YouTube). I’ve gone from being unable to find the energy to workout 1–3 times a week to actually craving 1–3 workouts a day. I don’t do it to punish myself, I do it because I want to.

Not only do I have more energy physically, but mentally too. And it has been an absolute game-changer.

I recently came off keto for the festive season (including for my birthday on NYE), because I wanted to be able to enjoy all of the sugar, carbs and alcohol without a worry. And although it was nice to not have to think too hard about what I was consuming… I certainly felt the damage within a few days.

I felt lethargic. My mood went from happy to incredibly flat. Finding the energy and motivation to simply go for a 20 minute walk was difficult beyond belief. It was during the festive season that I realised just how incredible the keto diet was for me in many ways. I’ve never been so excited to jump back on the wagon.

Reason 4: You may get clearer skin.

It probably comes as no surprise that by eliminating sugar and reducing refined carbohydrates, your skin will love you for it. My skin has never looked better.

By fuelling my body with a low carb, vegetable rich diet and cutting out sugar, my insides are very happy, which reflects on the outside. Additionally, a keto diet also means you are likely consuming many high-quality fatty acids like omega-3, and this can have the additional benefit of protecting skin from wrinkles and sun damage

Reason 5: You won’t feel so restricted.

Any diet that let’s me eat cheese is a diet I can get around.

Restricting myself from foods I love never ends well. Never. I end up binging 5 times the quantity once my willpower loses out (and it ALWAYS loses). Restrictive diets usually end up in me gaining more weight in the long run, not to mention also damaging my mental health in the meantime.

This is why I’m a huge advocate for keto. It’s the only diet that’s truly worked for me without also giving me a complex towards food and restrictions. I rarely, if ever, feel like I’m missing out on food. The benefits of being in ketosis (for me) just aren’t worth eating a pizza.

Not to mention that because keto is such a prevalent diet in today’s society that you’ll almost always be able to find keto options on menus at takeaway joints and restaurants. Supermarkets are cranking out low carb wraps, pastas and pizza bases. No one blinks an eye when you order a burger without the bun. Basically, it’s a great time to be keto.

If you find yourself struggling with insatiable hunger and low energy, keto may be a fabulous thing for you to try. Keto cured my binge eating, helped me lose (and keep off) a ton of weight and allowed me to crave exercise instead of dread it. Most importantly, it helped tremendously with my mental health. I’m a true keto convert, for reasons so far beyond weight loss.

NB: Everybody and every body is different. Consult your doctor if you want to try a new diet. Read up on it. And remember, this piece is based off my own personal experience.

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