Published inDataDrivenInvestorHow to protect your business from BEC attacksBEC attacks have been one of the most effective methods of stealing money and data by cybercriminals in the past three years.May 6, 2020May 6, 2020
4 signs you’re dating a romance scammerGetting scammed while looking for love online is like getting infected by covid-19, nobody thinks it can happen to them till it does.Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
Love: the sole purpose of lifeNo matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love-Apr 22, 2020Apr 22, 2020
Miracles, Knowledge, and the future of AfricaIn June 2017, I was at the Tafawa Balewa Square attending the Excel conference that had Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Nathaniel Bassey, and…Apr 16, 20202Apr 16, 20202
A better Nigerian COVID-19 ResponseIf anything, this coronavirus pandemic has taught me that humans don’t take distant threats seriously. Even advanced western economies…Apr 14, 20201Apr 14, 20201
6 business lessons from Nigerian PastorsNo other class of Leaders has been vilified as much as Nigerian pastors, every single day their beliefs and modus of operation are…Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
8 business lessons from Yahoo Boys“The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” - JesusJan 29, 20201Jan 29, 20201
Why you should vote for AtikuI recently lost my wallet, inclusive of my PVC and other valuables. Having voted in all prior elections since I turned 18, losing my PVC…Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorSmart Cities are the futureInternet of Things birthed smart homes and offices with the rise of internet controlled devices like security systems, cameras, fridges…Oct 17, 2018Oct 17, 2018
Factorialising a number in JavaScriptSo I have been teaching myself to code using the freecodecamp curriculum.Mar 20, 2018Mar 20, 2018