ChatGPT and AI in Investment Banking: Use Cases

Vedant Dwivedi
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2024


chagpt in investment banking
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

ChatGPT is a versatile tool that has been put to various uses like coding computer programs, composing music, drafting mail, solving math problems, etc. This artificial intelligence technology and others have taken all industries by storm. ChatGPT has helped the investment banking sector attain financial objectives, improve investment decisions, and augment customer service.

There are many more uses of ChatGPT and AI in the investment banking industry. Here, we discuss ChatGPT and its uses in the banking industry.

Chat GPT: The Definition

ChatGPT generates human-like text, videos, and other types of responses. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to answer user queries. It can also perform language-based jobs like translating a language, content generation, etc. ChatGPT uses data and is also trained to provide relevant responses to user questions. You can use the same in various applications like virtual assistants, content creation tools, chatbots, and more.

ChatGPT in Fintech

There have been many advancements in ChatGPT. Features like voice expanded language, custom creation ability, browsing feature, ability to collect the current information from the web, mage responsiveness, etc., are being used in Fintech.

You must know how to integrate the ChatGPT version into Fintech:

  • In the first step, a vast dataset is gathered from financial reports, website news, transactional data, books, etc.
  • Then, the base language model is trained. The same is based on model learning patterns in NLP.
  • The training focuses on finance terminology, processes, regulations, etc. It is crucial to understand and reply to financial queries.
  • Now, the model interacts with APIs and databases. Then, the same can use real-time data, perform transactions, and provide the latest information.
  • You must ensure the model is trained well and follows compliance and financial regulations norms.
  • After the deployment, feedback is received from user interactions. Accordingly, you can make corrections and improve accuracy.
  • Rigorous testing is a crucial step for enhancing reliability.
  • Since Fintech is highly linked to ethical considerations and biases, the model eliminates biases or provides unethical suggestions.

Uses Of ChatGPT in Banking

There are many benefits and uses of ChatGPT in the banking industry. Here we list some:

🤖Customer Service

Customer service is one of the main use cases for ChatGPT in the baking industry. Using virtual assistants or chatbots can quickly and accurately respond to customer queries. With the help of this high-tech system, financial institutions can maintain the speed and quality of their customer support department. As a customer service agent, you can reduce your workload. For example, a bank uses ChatGPT to answer common questions like my account balance, details of the last five transactions, current interest rates, etc.

🤖 Investment Advice

One of the most powerful use cases of AI in finance is investment advice. This technology uses machine learning to perform investment analysis and manage customer portfolios. ChatGPT can help you assess a client’s financial goals, risk appetite, investment preferences, etc. It can also help to track stock market trends and assess potential investment opportunities. It provides financial advisors and investment managers with these key insights. They can make informed decisions about their clients’ portfolios.

🤖Routine Work

GPT can help the banking industry with daily tasks like follow-up meetings, setting tasks, project management, etc. Using the same; you can create timelines, formalize ideas, prepare presentations, and write MOM.

🤖Market Analysis

Banks often conduct the latest market analysis and prepare reports to make informed decisions. ChatGPT prompts can summarize market trends, news, investment opportunities, etc., to help analysts. They can also present complex information more understandably.

🤖Fraud Detection

ChatGPT can help the banking industry identify and prevent frauds and scams. You can monitor customer accounts and detect suspicious activity like large transactions, high-risk financial transactions, etc. It can also suspect potential vulnerabilities and loopholes in the systems or processes. This way, you can devise creative solutions to lower the risk. Investment banks have been using this tool to automate various tasks and follow strict guidelines. This helped the banks cut costs and augment efficiency.

🤖Personalized Banking Services

Personalization is key to success in modern banking. Banks can use ChatGPT prompts to provide their elite customers with personalized financial advice. AI can study their customer profiles. Customers can have virtual conversations and get tailored suggestions that match their investment goals.

Investment Banking Career Path

Do you want to pursue an investment banking career path? Learn about various jobs in investment banking. You can begin as an intern or analyst and keep progressing your career to become investment bank head. One of the best ways to demonstrate your expertise and develop skills is to pursue investment banking certification.

Wrapping Up

ChatGPT is one of the most useful tools for the investment banking industry. You can use ChatGPT to personalize virtual assistants and seek investment advice. You can also use the same to mitigate the risk of fraud and ensure compliance. Offering better client service is also one of the added advantages.

