COVID Stimulus Checks are Making Big Gains on the Blockchain

You Could Have Multiplied Your April 2020 Stimulus Check Over 22x; Many Did, and as Round 2 of COVID Stimulus Checks Arrive They are Ready to Do it Again

Taylor Kennedy


COVID Stimulus Checks

What if you could place your COVID stimulus check in a coffee can, bury it in your backyard, and when you dig it up in the future it had multiplied many times over and received interest payments on top of it — all just for holding it securely for a time period of your choosing. That’s precisely what many did with their first stimulus checks from April; except they didn’t plant them in their backyards — even easier— they securely deposited (or staked) them in the blockchain’s first fully audited, high interest time deposit financial product: Fast forward to the time of writing:

Each of their $1,200 stimulus checks from April has multiplied over 22x, growing to $26,412. The confidence and validation gained from HEX’s security, trustless interest, and outsized price performance now has these investors, and many others, including HEX as a component of their portfolios.

Millions of eligible recipients across the United States are now receiving their second round of COVID stimulus checks. While individual needs will largely dictate how each person applies these funds to their life, some recipients have identified HEX as a new financial product specifically designed to provide high interest for deposits and outperform other markets in its underlying price. These individuals have been, and continue to, turn fresh funds into very meaningful sums. With the arrival of the second round of COVID stimulus checks they are ready to do it again.

Smarter Technology = Superior Investment Products

COVID Stimulus Checks

With advancements in technology also comes advancements in investment products. The 1990’s into early 2000’s saw several new investment product offerings become available such as ETFs, Publicly Traded REITs, Target Date Funds and so on. In 2009 Bitcoin was invented, utilizing blockchain technology to address the peer-to-peer currency market.

Over 10 years later Bitcoin’s narrative of peer-to-peer currency has pivoted, perhaps more appropriately, to a store of value, or “digital gold,” and is seen promoted on Wall Street in this way.

COVID Stimulus Checks

Advancing from Bitcoin, in 2015 the genesis of Ethereum’s blockchain brought superior security in Turing-complete language featuring smart contract functionality. The capabilities of Ethereum have been enormously beneficial in the advancement of blockchain technology. Its myriad programmable design features, coupled with better security and performance capabilities, are features Bitcoin severely lacks.

Cryptocurrencies have rapidly become the highest appreciating asset class in the history of mankind. Bitcoin’s price did 2,000,000x from $0.01 to $20,000 in 7 years. Ethereum did 10,633x from $0.15 to $1,595 in 2.5 years.

Had you put in $1, you could have made millions. Many did, and many more continue to, as this sector is just barely over 10 years old. — The First High Interest Blockchain Time Deposit — is a complete and fully audited financial product that launched in December of 2019. It is designed to perform even better than Bitcoin or Ethereum.

It’s Working

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What is HEX?

“HEX is a cryptocurrency, albeit a very different type of cryptocurrency. Instead of simply spending or trading this cryptocurrency, HEX lets you lock up your money and gain interest on it.

We already do this through our banks. It is what the banking industry calls CD’s, or Certificates of Deposit. Customers lock up their wealth for a certain time, and in turn they grow their wealth by earning interest.

COVID Stimulus Checks
Inflation Decay on Purchasing Power of the Dollar

But the old school currencies that we lock up in our banks suffer from inflation. Which means that while you are gaining interest, over time your money is also losing some of its value. This is where HEX shines, because HEX is the first high interest paying cryptocurrency.

HEX takes the profit out of banks and government money printing and gives it to HEX holders. HEX is actually designed to increase in value; in fact, the value of a single HEX token has multiplied by more than 80x within the first handful of months it was launched. Which means the HEX holders not only gained interest, but they also multiplied their existing investment exponentially. And it’s only just getting started.

COVID Stimulus Checks

What makes HEX even more reliable is the fact that HEX is a trustless peer-to-peer system, which means that there is no central power that controls the system. Everything is powered by the users without any counterparty risk.”

The United States and China have over $7.2 Trillion in time deposits. This is a 50% larger market than the peer-to-peer currency market Bitcoin was designed to address, where printed cash totals about $5 Trillion. HEX is specifically designed to address the time deposit market and outperform both Bitcoin and Ethereum’s price performance.

HEX is an Autonomous Financial Product Running on the Ethereum Blockchain

HEX launched December 2nd, 2019 as a fully audited, complete product that runs on Ethereum’s blockchain. HEX has 100% uptime and is more secure, faster, and cheaper to transact than Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency was created to remove middlemen and counterparty risk; in HEX there is no counterparty risk, no middlemen, and you are 100% in control of your funds.

Setting a New Standard & Taking Security Seriously

HEX distinguished itself from other cryptocurrencies by having the advantage of being a triple audited, completed product — not project — before launching. A Tragedy of the Commons, Bitcoin itself has not yet undergone a full security audit and is still worked on; consequently, and surprising for some to learn, there have been 2 inflation bugs in Bitcoin, both rarely spoken of. The most recent happened in September, 2018, allowing anyone to print an infinite amount of coins. These security risks are eliminated in HEX.

Being a completed product separates HEX from 99.99% of other cryptocurrencies which remain in project status. Promises of future developments, which often never come, mean those investments rely on the future work of others. HEX launched audited and complete; there is no future work to be done, it simply operates 100% on-chain and as designed.

“HEX was delayed almost a year to get security right, which is why it has 3 Audits; 2 Security Audits, 1 Economics Audit. HEX has no admin keys. No off switch. No pause switch. It’s fully autonomous.

If goes offline, I die, the system continues to work fine. It is unstoppable: The code is on the blockchain. You run it. You mint your own rewards. That’s it.” Richard Heart, HEX Inventor

COVID Stimulus Checks

Creating a robust economic moat, HEX’s contract code is all rights reserved with 3 separate audits by 2 of the top contract auditors in the world. Taking such care in attention to detail has resulted in HEX performing precisely as designed with 100% uptime.

An Easy Way to Save, Grow, and Produce Income

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HEX is many investors first taste of cryptocurrency because of its high performance and user friendly buying experience. The process is simple enough for anyone and breaks down to: Buying some Ethereum, exchanging it for HEX and Staking it for time periods of your choosing. Redeeming HEX for dollars is merely reversing this simple process. See the step by step guide below.

The Finest Monetization of Time

  • At the time of writing HEX has a market cap of over $7 Billion and is the 9th largest cryptocurrency.
  • Over $780 Million of HEX is in active stakes paying a variable 40% APY to stakers. The average stake length is about 5 years; the longest stakes are 15 years.
  • This kind of verifiable onchain commitment seen in HEX is unprecedented in cryptocurrency.


HEX was invented by well-known serial entrepreneur and early Bitcoin adopter, Richard Heart. With his businesses producing him over $60 million a year by 2003, Heart took early retirement at that time and traveled the world. Years later Bitcoin caught his attention when it was trading at around $1, and he soon began mining full Bitcoin blocks by himself. Placing a high value on accuracy and attention to detail, Heart became a subject matter expert on Bitcoin and identified ways it could be improved.

COVID Stimulus Checks
Richard Heart, Founder of HEX, speaking at CryptoFin

Today Richard Heart is a well-versed proponent of Ethereum and stimulating thought leader champion across a panoply of subject matter. A polarizing figure, to be sure, Heart places a high value on accuracy and is considered a gifted visionary by many of his peers.

Richard Heart and his brainchild HEX have been widely discussed by both supporters and uninformed cynics. One thing is certain: HEX’s design and performance are benefitting investors in HEX with outsized returns and an inspiration for their future.

Stake HEX & Watch it Multiply

Staker.App allows you to safely and securely build wealth 100% onchain and watch it grow in realtime:

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