Discovering Your Authentic Voice:

Unveiling the Power of Self-Expression



Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Finding and using your voice is a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. You may have had negative past experiences that prevent you from speaking your truth or you may have had experiences of fear and shame that stop you from using your voice.

Whether you’re trying to find your literal speaking voice or your metaphorical voice in terms of expressing yourself and the ideas that are important to you, here are some steps to support you:

Here are 11 steps to embrace your inner voice:

1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your values, passions, beliefs, and experiences. Understanding who you are and what’s important to you gives you a strong foundation for your voice. Consider keeping a journal to write down your thoughts and reflections.

2. Listen to Yourself: Pay attention to how you naturally speak (without judgment), what topics excite you, and how you react to different situations. Some of this may be triggering, especially in challenging times. However, this information can give you insight into your authentic voice. Explore recording yourself and listen to yourself speaking to identify your tones, cadence, and speaking mannerisms. It may be challenging to hear yourself speak, as you may cringe a few times when you hear your voice and mannerisms, so do your best to really listen to yourself.

3. Be Authentic: Your voice is a representation of yourself, along with your own perspective and views, so catch yourself if you’re trying to conform your views to please someone else. Practice embracing your uniqueness and letting it shine through in communicating your views and perspectives.

4. Practice Speaking: Practice speaking about how you truly feel in various situations (without being purposely hurtful). Some ideas include casual conversations or even recording yourself on your phone to build your confidence. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with speaking about how you truly feel without self-editing to conform to groupthink.

5. Overcome Fear and Insecurity: Fear of judgment or criticism can prevent your ability to fully express yourself and be authentic to yourself. Recognize that everyone has insecurities; do not let them hold you back from expressing who you are. What you focus on expands. So remember to focus on your message and what you want to communicate, rather than worrying about how others might perceive you.

6. Develop and Practice Communication Skills: Effective communication involves what you say, as well as how you say it. Work on your articulation, tone, body language and developing rapport to enhance your overall communication skills.

7. Seek Feedback: Ask for constructive feedback from trusted individuals to help you refine and strengthen your voice.

8. Explore Different Mediums: Your voice can be expressed through different mediums such as writing, speaking, art, and music. Practice experimenting with different forms of self-expression to find what resonates with you the most.

9. Develop Consistency: Consistency is key to developing your voice. Be authentic to your values and ensure that you are keeping true to who you are.

10. Be Patient: Finding and honing your voice is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself as you explore and develop your unique expression.

11. Believe in who you are: Your perspective is valuable. Developing greater self-acceptance can help you express yourself to create more meaningful connections and conversations.

Remember, finding and using your voice is a continuous journey of self-development and growth. Throughout the process, you are discovering who you are, staying true to yourself, and learning how to confidently share your authentic self.

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Brand Marketer | Storyteller | Connector. Passionate about #health, #wellness, #womenintech. Opinions are my own.