Due Diligence Makes Sure the Person You Hire is Just Right

Look at the big picture without jumping to bad conclusions

Jim Katzaman - Get Out of Debt


Man peering through a telephoto lens.
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

For businesses, finding out whatever they can about a potential hire helps avoid unpleasant surprises before the company brings an unknown quantity aboard.

Background checks also work both ways. Potential hires should want to know all about companies so they know what they’re getting into.

This is all part of the back-and-forth intrigue that takes place as modern employers and employees jockey for knowledge and advantage.

Screening agencies such as Accurate Background have seen an increasing flow of business as companies regain their footing and adjust to the future of work.

Forbes analyst, brand strategist and TalentCulture chief executive officer Meghan M. Biro talked with Accurate Background’s chief compliance officer Bon Idziak about the basics every employer needs to know about background checks.

“There are many benefits of conducting comprehensive background checks, including reduced workplace violence, better quality candidates, ensuring employee integrity and avoiding negative publicity,” Idziak said. “An employment background screen can save a lot of unnecessary pain.

“One of the greatest benefits that come with conducting background checks is it helps ensure you hire quality candidates,” he said. “Hiring a candidate takes a vast amount of time and money. A pre-employment check ensures your resources are spent wisely.”

In his view, background screening is a surefire way to fill in any important gaps and confirm the truth.

“Background checks are also useful in protecting companies from negligent hiring and retention liability,” Idziak said. “It’s important for employers to be aware of employees who are at fault for public misconduct or any behavior that can create risks in the workplace.

“A reputable background check provider gives your company improved regulatory compliance that meets industry standards — such as the rideshare or healthcare industry — in addition to state and federal regulatory requirements,” he said.

Right Qualifications for the Right Job

This applies to any sort of endeavor.

“Whether you’re hiring a doctor or a rideshare driver, you want to make sure that each candidate has the necessary qualifications and training,” Idziak said.

Precautions today avoid heartburn later.

“A quality background check can save your organization from a bad hire,” Biro said. “Due diligence helps you learn about a candidate’s past issues before bringing them into your workplace.

“Everyone deserves a safe work environment,” she said. “Running background checks can provide that peace of mind for all your employees.”

Those hesitant should put investigations in context.

“Background checks are about knowing what needs to be known about employees,” Biro said. “It’s not meant to be intrusive but designed to be informative.”

Social media helps background research as long as business owners understand that you can’t believe everything you see online. No one is either that good or that bad. At best, what you see on the internet is a jumping off point for follow ups.

“For starters, an employer should never look at an employee’s or potential employee’s social media on its own,” Idziak said. “Social media screening should be conducted through a reputable provider to remain compliant and avoid bias.

“You may use social media screening to gain visibility into who candidates are outside the workplace to get a better indicator of whether they’re a right fit,” he said. “Our artificial intelligence technology scans platforms for over a dozen risk categories such as hate, violence and drugs.”

Know About Disclosures

Employers also need to be acquainted with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

“Before employers decide to conduct a social media check — or any background check for that matter — they must provide disclosure and receive written authorization, per the FCRA,” Idziak said.

“In addition, it’s always important to ensure your candidates’ values and what they say can represent your company in a positive manner,” he said.

Those seeking employment bear personal responsibility for discretion, which is their own best interest.

“Social media is part of our everyday life now,” Biro said. “It can provide a glimpse into a candidate’s habits. Of course, each of us should think twice before sharing something that could jeopardize future career prospects.

“While social media can provide a snapshot of a candidate’s profile, it’s only one small piece of the mosaic,” she said. “Companies like Accurate Background provide more complete background checks. That’s much more useful from a hiring perspective.”

Information should be drawn from many sources.

“Always keep an open mind on social media, but do the research as one part of the entire candidate equation,” Biro said.

“You might see a different version of a candidate on each social platform,” she said. “Which represents a true picture of the person? Social media is one tool, but it doesn’t have all the answers.”

Look Inward as Well

Background checks are also appropriate for current employees.

Those already employed will not jump at the chance to pass along unfavorable information about themselves. Running up bad credit can be a huge red flag, particularly if their jobs involve any sort of fiduciary responsibility. Employers cannot afford to be the last to know.

“Life can change anytime,” Biro said. “Employees may try to hide something new that they don’t want you to know. Periodic screening helps you stay up to date with relevant intelligence.

“As people are returning to the office after the pandemic, now is a good time for updated background screening,” she said. “This could alert you to red flags you may have missed while people were working remotely.”

Worker reputation also reflects on corporate appearance.

“Brands need to manage their liability and ultimately their reputation,” Biro said. “Background checks can play an integral role in this, but it’s important to let employees know that continuous screening is a standard practice at your company.”

Much like finance, past performance does not guarantee future results.

“Background checks on current employees are helpful in ensuring your employees continue to remain qualified for their roles,” Idziak said. “This is especially important for companies in highly regulated industries such as finance, healthcare or transportation.

“Those checks on current employees also increase workplace safety,” he said. “By leveraging a drug screening program to monitor employees, you can reduce workplace accidents and hazards that may occur on the job.”

An Accurate Background podcast goes into greater detail about background screening.

About The Author

Jim Katzaman is a manager at Largo Financial Services and worked in public affairs for the Air Force and federal government. You can connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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