ESG in Focus: Recognizing the Critical Role of Corporate Governance

Saujanya Timilsina
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2024


Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

In the corporate world, the most used yet overlooked term is “Corporate Governance.” This is also the most neglected component of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). While organizations invest heavily in addressing environmental and social concerns to impress stakeholders, the governance aspect is frequently neglected. This negligence might stem from the perception that governance doesn’t directly contribute to revenue.

However, understanding the critical role of sound corporate governance is important, as it forms the pillar upon which the entire business empire stands. Without a thorough assessment and addressing of the governance aspect, the efforts put into Environmental and Social responsibilities might not yield the desired outcomes. Overlooking governance can also pose significant challenges and risks to the organization’s future, raising concerns about its going concern aspect.

The Need:

To emphasize the importance of corporate governance, it is crucial to examine instances where governance failures led to catastrophic consequences. The Enron scandal and the collapse of Lehman Brothers serve as stark reminders of how lax governance can result in financial disasters. These instances underline the need for organizations to prioritize governance to avoid similar pitfalls.

Similarly, the global embrace of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) frameworks reflects a widespread acknowledgment of the importance of ESG factors in the corporate landscape. Regulatory agencies and organizations around the world have actively incorporated frameworks, tools, and compliance measures to comprehensively evaluate, tackle, and disclose ESG risks. This concerted effort signifies a shared commitment to promoting sustainable business practices and emphasizing responsible governance standards on a global scale

Stakeholder Roles in Ensuring Corporate Governance:

Stakeholders, particularly investors and donors, should conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with an organization. It is necessary to ensure that ESG issues are not just acknowledged but also effectively addressed.

Whereas customers and regulatory agencies possess significant influence in pushing corporations to address ESG issues sincerely without falling prey to “washing” practices (e.g., greenwashing, pinkwashing, bluewashing). This external pressure ensures that companies are accountable for their actions and commitments, fostering transparency and credibility.

Auditors also play a vital role in uncovering and highlighting corporate governance issues in their audit reports. By doing so, they not only mitigate the risk for the organization but also contribute to reducing the risk for other stakeholders, including investors. The auditor’s scrutiny acts as a safeguard, ensuring that governance lapses are identified and rectified promptly.


Organizations must recognize the indispensable role of corporate governance in the ESG framework. Neglecting governance not only jeopardizes the success of environmental and social initiatives but also exposes organizations to significant risks. Stakeholders such as customers, auditors, and regulatory bodies all play vital roles in ensuring that governance is not overlooked. By embracing a holistic approach that incorporates all aspects of ESG, we can collectively work towards making the corporate world a better and more sustainable place. It’s time to unlock the true potential of corporate success by giving due importance to the often-underestimated pillar of governance.

Remember, good corporate governance goes beyond compliance. It involves creating an environment of accountability, fairness, and transparency, which can lead to improved operational effectiveness, better decision-making, and an enhanced brand image. It’s about ensuring the organization is held accountable for fulfilling its fiduciary duties. Solid governance makes a company more reliable and stable, less prone to liability, and more likely to attract shareholders.

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