How I Built This Data Platform in One Week

Dorian Teffo
Published in
7 min readMar 22, 2024


This will certainly be my longest project (so please like and comment), as well as my longest blog post. But whatever… it was a great one, and I needed to share this with you.

I will not talk too much about non-essential things and go straight to the point, lest this post becomes a 100-minute read :).

As you know, I will try to simplify everything so that even non-tech folks could follow along with me.

End Goal

The end goal of this project is to have a fully functional data platform/pipeline, that will refresh our analytics tables/dashboards daily.

The whole infrastructure

As you can see in the image, there are a few things we needed to set up to run this project.

  • The first: Where will the data come from? RDS PostgreSQL+ a Python script in an EC2 instance to generate new data every 2 hours
  • The second: Where will the data be stored for analytics? Snowflake
  • The third: How are we going to link the two? Airbyte (cloud)
  • The fourth: How are we going to make the data suitable for analytics and dashboarding? DBT + Airflow

Let’s dive into each part step by step.

Where does the data come from?

I was really tired of flat files, truly tired!!

So I thought it would be a good idea to create a script that would generate dummy data on a scheduled basis(every 2 hours) and store this in Postgres database(RDS).

I will not delve deep into this part, as it is not our main focus.

So here’s a brief overview of the data model of our source system:

This data model is intentionally basic and “dirty.” I wanted something unclean so that I would have plenty to address in the transformation phase.

Now that we had the data model and the Python script ready to go, we needed to create an RDS PostgreSQL database where our raw tables would be stored.

To do this, we leveraged Terraform and followed these steps:

  • Create a VPC.
  • Create two private subnets where the RDS will be hosted, along with a security group to allow traffic to port 5432.
  • Create one EC2 instance in a public subnet where our Python script will run (this will also act as an SSH tunnel to connect to the database with Airbyte, as the database is not publicly accessible for security reasons), plus a security group to allow SSH.

Here is how the RDS will look at the end:

Regarding the EC2 where the python script will be hosted, here is how it looks like :

You are probably asking yourself what does this long peace of code do :

  • It simply create an EC2 instance specifying the AMI, security group, subnet, and user_data to install docker

Okay, we have the resources created on AWS, now how to deploy our code to that EC2 instance?

Simply using a CICD pipeline with Github actions:

What does this code do?

  • Connect to the EC2 instance using SSH
  • Copy the content of the directory containing the python script to that EC2
  • Run the container

That’s it !

Where the data will be store for analytics ?

Now we have data that are updated every two hours on RDS, now what is the target system?

One answer: SNOWFLAKE

I chose Snowflake here , because …

because it’s snowflake :)

There is not too much to talk about in this section, a part of how I structure the database :

  • RAW : database to store raw data coming from Airbyte (schema : postgres_airbyte )
  • ANALYTICS : the production database (schemas: staging, intermediate, marts(finance))
  • DBT_DEV: the dev database (has the same schemas as the production database)
  • DATA_ENGINEER : A role to allow usage of RAW database and ownership of ANALYTICS AND DBT_DEV
  • AIRBYTE_ROLE : used by airbyte to write in the RAW database (postgres_airbyte schema)

If you ask me how to create all this in Snowflake, you are not in tech at all. ( Google it )

How to link the two systems / How to ingest data?

Initially, I had contemplated writing a custom Python script on AWS Lambda for this task. However, it would have taken a significant amount of time to implement, especially considering the need to incorporate Change Data Capture (CDC) to capture only new data from the source system.

So I decided to go with a no code/modern tools, at the core of the “MODERN DATA STACK”.

I opted for Airbyte, particularly Airbyte Cloud. While I could have gone with the open-source version and installed it with Docker on an EC2 instance, the cloud version offered a 14-day free trial, which I couldn’t pass up.

Syncing data from a source system to a target system is straightforward with Airbyte. I don’t even need to explain how to do it.

For the sync mode, I chose ‘Incremental’, where Airbyte pulls only new data from the source system, and ‘Append + Deduped’, which is self-explanatory: Airbyte ensures the uniqueness of each row based on a specified column (typically a primary key).

In less than 10 minutes, we had our ingestion pipeline up and running, THANKS TO THE MODERN DATA STACK !

P.S: Airbyte syncs our data every day at 5P.M (remember this, it will be useful later)

How to make data suitable for analytics/dashboarding?

As you saw on the source system data model, we can’t really use those tables for analytics and dashboarding. That’s where the KIMBALL APPROACH came into the picture.

Take a look at this beautiful and simple schema :

P.S : our end goal is to analyze subscription plan metrics

Now we have our desired data model, how are we going to create those tables?

That’s where DBT came into the picture.

Here is how we structured our DBT project

  • models/staging: These are models stored in the staging schema. They undergo simple type casting and quick transformations.

Here is an example of a model we made (stg_bank):

Pretty simple right?

  • models/intermediate: This is where we construct our fact and dimension tables.

Here is an Example (int_date)

I also built some unit tests just to …. test :)

  • models/marts: Here, we calculate various metrics, such as total net revenue by subscription plan.


Let’s move to airflow

Airflow + Cosmos + DBT: a love story

The DBT part was done, we needed to move to the next step. Schedule those dbt models to run daily and refresh tables so that Data analysts/ Scientists can make analysis.

Here is where Airflow came into the picture, especially the COSMOS library, which allowed us to easiluy run DBT models with Airflow.

As I said, airbyte was ingesting data every day at 5 pm, so we needed to schedule the airflow dag to run after 5 p.m. (every morning, we need to have fresh tables!!).

Here is how we defined our DAG using cosmos:

Don’t worry, I will put the link to the GitHub repo at the END.

The next step was to deploy our airflow code to an EC2 (which we created using TERRAFORM ALSO)

P.S : the SCRIPT_AFTER part is useless.

CONGRATS: Our DAG is now running successfully ( check this beautiful Airflow UI with all your models), and the tables will be refreshed daily.


“Keep It Simple and Stupid” — that’s what I did with this dashboard.

Straight to the point. No fancy visuals or charts.

Wrap UP

I kept this article very simple and understandable intentionally.

I avoided delving too deeply into technical details so you could gain an overview of a typical data engineering workflow.

If you found it helpful, feel free to save it to your list!



P.S.If you want me to implement this type of POC for your business, leave me a message on my website, and let’s have a chat! :

