If She Has These 5 Traits, Don’t Let Her Go
Never take a good woman for granted.
We can run through countless lists of qualities that men or women want in a potential long-term partner (oh…and we have), but the fact of the matter is that everyone is looking for something different.
As my grandmother used to say — “There’s an ass for every seat.”
That being said, I’m going to posit 5 traits in this article that I think are hard to argue with as what men are really looking for, and should fully appreciate in a partner.
1: She is warmhearted.
I was having a hard time choosing the word to use for this point. Nurturing? Caring? Compassionate? Warm? Kind?
But warmhearted encompasses the idea of someone who is all of the above.
While I believe that [good] men are natural-born protectors and should do everything in their power to make the woman in their life feel safe, I also know that men have their own desires to feel cared for or looked after.
Society has painted a false picture that men are emotionless or cold, but the truth is that we feel our own frustrations, pain, fears, and insecurities.
A warmhearted person doesn’t brush off these feelings when he expresses them — she…