Manipulation in the 21st Century

Jasper Ruijs🚀
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2022


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool. “ — Richard Feynman

Was the social-economic system prepared for today's misinformation strategies?

The canon of political thinkers could have never imagined that the incredible information overload would result in a lack of interest in politics and total embracement of scientific research as the truth.

The post-modernists foresaw this problem early, in that truth, is, for most people, established through an external scientific narrative and not through subjective self-research.

Today, I want to highlight some of these lying methods so you can identify them across the multiple disciplines of human endeavor.

Green Washing 101

  • The act of adopting a sustainability policy while 80% of your business is still causing pollution.
Shell is one of the largest oil producers in the world and presents itself as a green company.
  • Using a secondary non—profit party, to which you donate part of your profit, to plant trees, so you can onboard 'green' customers.
Eden Reforestation Project invests a couple of million in area, without employing anyone?

Because most people are more occupied with the chaotic state of the world to check corporate finances, these companies, NGOs, and charities choose to hide in plain sight.

You would be surprised how many bonuses go around those organizations trying to plant trees, decrease poverty, and improve health. If you are an investor, please double-check every green and social partnership that you have or want to do.

Did you know that many of the B-Certificated companies have never been audited because they aren't prioritized because they are too small?

Politics 101

  • Use statistics to swing scientific research toward your desired outcome.
This is the official EU response and not a conspiracy video.
  • Use corporate privacy laws to keep the public dealing with high-level politicians undisclosed.

Pfizer had an undisclosed contract with Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and was aware of the lack of research on the side effects of the RNA vaccines.

  • Make the topic so taboo that scientists with clear minds would never take the risk of sacrificing their careers.
This extraterrestrial disclosure is NOT new. The US government has prosecuted people for years behind the scenes, calling them UFO conspiracy theorists in open space, not willing to listen.
  • Using disclosure acts to be transparent about the past but not about the present, to calm people down.

Thanks to the disclosure act, you can go to the CIA database and see that they have had reports on aliens since 1962.

‘Divide and Conquer .‘— Julius Ceasar

Social Media 101

  • Hiring AI ethics experts but not implementing their advice.
To harvest the most data, they make these social media platforms as addictive as possible, justified by saying that they need this data to give you the best customer experience.

Being unaware of the social bullying problems, political espionage, and the dangers of being hacked but not taking enough security measures.

  • Hide behind the fact that their users had to opt-in because of legislation like GDPR, knowing that most people have never read legislation documents.

When you treat your customers like users, they become the product, numbers in a spreadsheet. When they take non-human-centric action, they say they are just improving metrics.

Final words

I can include many more industries, like music, fashion, acting, cryptocurrency, etc., which have a shadow side that is brought to public awareness but is not transparent yet.

But I choose not to make you totally depressed about society.

Because we can change this!

A) Make everything transparent and prioritize human well-being over economic gain.

b) If every company in the world would invest 10% of their earnings in human well-being and planetal healing, compound interest would transform this planet in a decade.

C) If we start to acknowledge our inner darkness, we all have a selfish, unaware, and violent side, but to move beyond that, we need first to accept ourselves to transcend those weaknesses.

The summary of this list is in one video, which shows you the dark nature of our reality.

Photo by Allison Heine on Unsplash

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