Mastering Plotly: Let your Visualizations Talk Through Plotly

Elevate Your Data Narratives with Interactive Plotly Magic!

RaviTeja G


Plotly: Visualization Wizardy — Image Generated with

Hello Data Enthusiast! If you haven’t used Plotly before, you are really missing out on visualization wizardry, Plotly shines as a powerful Python library that enables you to create interactive and visually appealing charts and graphs for data visualization with very low code.

Mastering Plotly can make you understand your data much more clearly and most importantly it can take your data storytelling to the next level through its interactiveness! In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of Plotly, exploring its most important spells ( I mean methods ), features, and capabilities, Assuming that you know the theory of these plots. Here’s a glimpse of what lies ahead.

Table of Contents

  1. Important Plotly Modules
  2. Basic Plots
    Line Plots
    Bar Plots
    Scatter Plots
    Pie Charts
  3. Advanced Plots
    Box Plot
    Violin Plot
    Density Heatmap
    3D Plots
    Scatter matrix
    Facet Grids
    Animation Plots

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Let’s witness the magic of plotly

Important Plotly Modules

Plotly has various modules for different purposes, let’s explore them.

  1. It is a high-level API for creating quick and easy visualizations. It is used for creating simple charts with minimal code, import as px to use Plotly Express. When using this, first you can pass the dataframe, and for x and y parameters you can just pass the column name, as it is compatable with pandas dataframes.
  2. plotly.graph_objects: This module is part of Plotly’s core functionality and is used for creating a wide range of charts and graphs, import plotly.graph_objects as go to use Plotly graph objects. When using this, we cannot pass the data, we can only pass the series for x and y parameters.
  3. plotly.offline: In some cases, you might want to work with Plotly offline, especially if you’re generating visualizations for offline use or within Jupyter notebooks.

Basic Plots

we can create all the basic plots with low code and amazing interactivity such as:
1. Hover information displays details when you mouse over the data points.
2. while zooming and panning enable closer examination of the plot.
3. You can select specific data series or data points by clicking on them in the legend or on the plot itself.
4. You can add custom buttons or controls to the plot that trigger specific actions or updates when clicked, and much more.

Line Plots

  • Using Plotly Express for Simple Plots
    Let’s take a dataset available in Plotly to explore a few line plots.
# Stock data available in the plotly express module
df_stocks =
Stock data representing stocks per day for various MNC companies.
  • Line plot for Facebook stocks
# Exploring Facebook stocks through an interactive line plot
px.line(df_stocks, x='date', y='FB')
Hover on this line plot to witness the wizardry of Plotly Library interactiveness.

By running the single above code line, you will be able to generate such a beautifully interactive plot like this.

  • Generating Multiple Line plots by just providing a list
# Generate multiple line plots by just providing a list of series names
px.line(df_stocks, x='date', y=['GOOG','MSFT','AMZN','FB'], title='Google Vs. Microsoft vs. Amazon vs. Facebook')
Multiple Line plot: Click the Labels to Enable or Disable a particular Line

Now, if you only want to see two or three, you can disable the rest by just clicking on the label name on the right side, this is so cool, right?

  • Using Graph Objects for further customizations

To achieve these kinds of things, we need to use the graph_objects, which is why it was said that we need the graph_objects module for more complex charts and plotly_express for simpler charts.

  1. Create a figure object using fig=go.Figure().
  2. To add a plot to the figure use fig.add_trace()and pass the graph object to the figure object.
  3. Use go.scatter(x,y,mode)to create graph objects for scatter plots and line plots.
  4. And here we need to use the mode parameter to specify the plot style, by default it will be assigned to lines which will give a line plot. And for the Facebook, as we gave mode='lines+markers' it will have the lines along with markers for the points, easy styling!
  5. For line styling, use theline parameter and assign a dictionary with various stylings you need.
# Create a figure object for which we can later add the plots
fig = go.Figure()

# pass the graph objects to the add trace method, assign a series to x and y parameters of graph objects.
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(, y=df_stocks.AAPL, mode='lines', name='Apple'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(, y=df_stocks.AMZN, mode='lines+markers', name='Amazon'))

# Customizing a particular line
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(, y=df_stocks.GOOG,
mode='lines+markers', name='Google',
line=dict(color='darkgreen', dash='dot')))

# Further style the figure
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price Data 2018 - 2020',
# customize axis by using xaxis/yaxis '_' and style
# customize various styles axis by passing a dictionary
# customize entire plot style
Various Customizations for the line plots

Bar Plots

Using Plotly Express for simple Bar Plots
Use,x,y) to create your bar chart. You can add an extra dimension to the bar plot by simply using the parameter, in that case you will get the stacked bar plot, if you want it side by side, you can change it with the parameter barmode='group' . The below snippets are just images.

Stacked Bar plot with a third dimension through color parameter.
Using Barmode to Generate the bar plots side by side along with a third dimension.
  • Only the people who worked with Matplotlib would understand how easily we are achieving this plot in Plotly, haha:)

Customized Bar Plots
Instead of directly printing the plotly express object, if we save to figure, then we can make more customizations using the update_trace and update_layout methods of the figure.

# Filtering data for countries in 2007 greater than 50000000
population =
filtered_data = population[(population.year==2007) & (population['pop']>50000000)]

# Using colors to distinguish a dimension
fig =, y='pop', x='country', text='pop', color='country')

# Put bar total value above bars with 2 values of precision
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2s}', textposition='outside')

# Rotate labels 45 degrees
Customized Bar chart wtih the graph object module: Hover to see the interactiveness.
  • If we hadn’t given the color dimension to be country, all of the bars would have the same color. And by using text parameter we were able to set the total population at the top of the bars.

Scatter Plots

Use px.scatter(data,x,y) to create simple scatter plots. You can add more dimension using color and size parameters. By using the graph object, use go.scatter(data,x,y,mode=’markers’) to create a scatter plot, and we can even add a numeric variable as a dimension with color a parameter.

# Use included Iris data set
df_iris =

# Create a customized scatter
fig = go.Figure()
x=df_iris.sepal_width, y=df_iris.sepal_length,
fig.update_traces(marker_line_width=2, marker_size=10)
Scatter with color dimension based on sepal width.

Pie Charts

Use px.Pie(data,values=series_name) to create a pie chart. For further customizations, you can use graph object pie chart with go.Pie() and we use the update_traces of the figure object to customize the hover info, text, and pull amount ( which is the same as explode, if you are familiar with seaborn ).

Customized pie chart by highlighting a section with pull parameter.


Use px.histogram(values) to create a histogram, and you can stack another histogram on top of that using thecolor parameter. And here is an amazing with histogram plots, you can use marginal parameter to add a layer of another plot on the top, such as box, violin, or rug.

Here’s an example of adding a violin plot on top of the stack bar chart.

# Stack histograms based on different column data
df_tips =
fig = px.histogram(df_tips, x="total_bill", color="sex", marginal='violin')
Violin plot on top of the stacked bar chart.
  • You can hover over the bar charts to see more details and interact with them.
  • Hover on the violin plot to see the quartile details.
  • And you can click on the side labels to enable or disable them, so cool, huh!

Advanced Plots

Box Plot

Use,x,y) to create the box plot, you can use the color parameter to add another dimension for the box plot. And using the points=’all’parameter will show all the points scattered to the left. On hover, you can see the quartile values.

Box plot that shows all the points to the left.
  • You can do further customizations using go.Box(x,y), Using that you can also add mean and standard deviation with the parameter boxmean='sd' . Remember when using graph object, we won’t be passing the data, but just the series. Points parameters is not used in the graph object box method.
Box plot with mean and standard deviation values as well.

Violin Plot

Use px.violin(data,x,y) to create violin plots. By just giving y parameters you can create a violin plot for one numeric variable. But if you want to create violin plots for a numeric variable based on a category column, then you can specify the category column in the x parameter. And additionaly you can add one more category column dimension using the color parameter. Use box=True parameter to show the box in the plot.

Violin plot of tips based on smoker and sex categories.

Density Heatmap

If you need to do an analysis for three variables, you can easily opt for the density heatmaps. Use px.density_heatmap(data,x,y,z) to create a density heat map.

Density heatmap of year, month and passengers.

3D Plots

  • To create a 3D Scatter plot, you can use px.scatter_3d(data,x,y,z,color)
px.scatter_3d(flights, x='year', y='month', z='passengers', color='year', opacity=0.7)
Highly Interactive 3d Scatter plot
  • Similarly, you can also create a 3D Line plot using px.line_3d(data,x,y,z,color)

Scatter matrix

Scatter matrix is similar to the paiplot from sns, which gives an exhaustive idea of the numeric variables. Use px.scatter_matrix(data) to display scatter matrix. To differentiate further based on any category, as always you an use the color parameter.

Scatter matrix for the flights dataset

Facet Grids

For all the plotly express plots we have seen so far, we can add the facet grids, by using the parameters face_col and face_row parameters.

Facets for the scatter plot based on sex and additional dimension of smoker included.
  • Similarly, you can use face_col and face_row for histograms and line plots as well.

Animation Plots

You can add animation to your plotly express plots. The animation_frame parameter specifies which variable in your dataset should be used to create animation frames. The animation_group parameter is used to group data points within each animation frame.

For example, if you’re visualizing the movement of objects over time, you might use animation_frame to specify the time steps and animation_group to group objects by their IDs or labels.

population =, x="continent", y="pop", color="continent",
animation_frame="year", range_y=[0,4000000000])
Animated Bar chart for the continent's population over the years.
  • Click the play button to start the animation and hover to interact. This is so cool and simple, right?


  1. Plotly Official Site
  2. Plotly Tutorial by Derek Banas


Here’s a repo link for the detailed code used in this article. I guess now you would agree how powerful yet simple Plotly is! With Plotly, you’re not limited to static graphs but invited to weave stories and paint beautiful insights.

From the elegance of scatter plots to the drama of animated charts, Plotly lets you enhance your data narrative. So, embrace Plotly, let your data dance, and captivate your audience. It’s not just a tool; it’s your brush to paint the future of data visualization. Try it out and Unleash your creativity with Plotly.

If you are interested in Pandas, Numpy, Matplolib, Seaborn, and Plotly, then look no further, I also have detailed articles on these essential libraries for Data Science, Here’s a curated List.

Detailed Guides for all the Essential Data Science Libraries

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Day 10/100 — Revisiting Plotly.

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