Discover my top 8 ETF picks to achieve financial freedom so you can sip cocktails on the beach every day. A young man with glasses and beard and tattoo holding a glass of cocktail on the beach. AI image created on MidJourney V6 by henrique centieiro and bee lee
Discover my top 8 ETF picks to achieve financial freedom so you can sip cocktails on the beach every day. AI image created on MidJourney V6 by the author

My Top 8 ETF Picks to Financial Freedom!

Building Your Wealth with a Hands-Off Investment Approach


Just like shopping for the right ingredients can make or break your favorite dish, investing in ETFs can 10x your money or, if not chosen wisely, can put a dent in your wallet. It all boils down to picking the right mix of ETFs and having a smart game plan.

