Neurobiology — Consciousness: How Does the Mind Define Self, Free Will?

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8 min readFeb 4, 2023


Brain Scan. Credit: NIDA

There is a recent article, There is no problem of consciousness, discussing the relative position of objects to the body as conscious experiences.

Descriptions of consciousness, like in the article, may shape understanding of what it might be, but the application of a description, say to something as central as mental health, may be null.

It is where it goes for cases of mental health crisis that could deepen the viability of a consciousness postulation.

There are various observations about the brain across experiences used to term something or label another, but how does the brain’s other [the mind] function?

The mind is within the brain, but the mind is not the brain. Their structures, components and functions are not the same.

The brain makes the mind. It is the mind that drives consciousness. But how? Thoughts, memory, feelings, emotions and reactions are outcomes of the mind, functioning to the determinations of the mind.

The brain has cells and molecules. The mind defines experiences. Dopamine, serotonin and other transmitters are the brain. Reward, pleasure, good mood are the mind.


It can be theorized that there are two key components of the mind, quantities and properties. Quantities [dots] relaying to acquire properties [planes], to degrees, across mind locations. It is the property acquired that is experienced.

If a property is not acquired, there is no state or experience. Quantities can be prioritized or pre-prioritized, two phases where acquisitions go on. Just one quantity is prioritized on the mind at any moment, but there are fast and numerous interchanges with pre-prioritized.

Quantities have early-splits or go-before, where some in the same incoming beam break out to acquire properties in advance like it was done at a time before, so that when others follow, it is easier.

If it matches, fine, if it does not, then what follows goes as directed. If it does not, the individual may take one thing for another, because the break from that early-split did not happen.

For example, expecting something familiar to be what it is, but when it is not, if there is no break from early-split it may still be assumed to be familiar, but if there is, then it is known to be different.

It is this split that is responsible for knowing [holding or picking] what next to write, type or say in a conversation, or to do in a situation. It is also what is sometimes responsible for laughter, curiosity, anger and so forth, if it diverges and the quantity acquires those, as properties. This exceeds predictive coding, processing, working memory and prediction error.

Quantities also have old and new sequences. Old, following the established path to acquiring certain properties, while new uses a new one. Protocols, grammatical accuracy, norms, boredom, and so forth follow old sequences.

Adventures, explorations and so forth follow new sequences. Sometimes when a new experience follows an old sequence, it may produce déjà vu.

Properties are all possible states or experiences, sleep, depression, coma, thirst, talking, typing, hurt, hate, violence, anger, anxiety, delusion, hallucination, love, self, loneliness, emptiness, hawkishness, moodiness, delight, grumpiness, calmness and so forth. All memory, feelings, emotions and reactions are properties.

Properties have a principal spot where one can go to have the most domination, attracting more quantities. This is what sometimes makes depression or heaviness harder, moving into the principal spot, then attracting quantities for respiration, heart rate, energy level and so forth, altering their optimum.

Properties have thin planes, containing the least possible information on anything and thick planes containing similarities between two or more thin planes. This exceeds what is explained as concepts and categories.

Sensory Data

In the brain, there are several sensory relay stations, the thalamus, the substantia nigra, the olfactory bulb, the brainstem — including the reticular formation, nucleus of the solitary tract, NTS and the corpora quadrigemina. This means that when senses come into the brain, they land at spots, for processing or integration before relay, mostly to the cerebral cortex for interpretation.

It is the processing or integration of sensory signals, internal or external, that [conceptually] gives off a new quantity, identity or unit, relayed elsewhere for interpretation. This means that all senses coming in with their own data, get to spots, are processed into what can be used by the mind, then proceed elsewhere to acquire properties, to qualify whatever came in.

The initial data are not fully established as properties, until properties that decode them are acquired in the mind. There are other parts of the brain aside the cerebral cortex like the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, where properties can be acquired.

Property destinations [of mind] are different from brain centers. Degrees to properties are obtainable at various brain centers, away from parallel concentration. There are different brain centers involved in sleep regulation.

But sleep as a property [of mind] is acquired to different degrees across respective brain center with some, more intense and others less so. There are some situations that bring sleep around, as properties acquired, not necessarily because of the need for sleep, with time or post-deprivation.

When the body loses a function and the brain seems to reassign the center responsible, it is a case of active mind properties extending there, as quantities aren’t relaying to acquire the old occupants or properties.

In the event of a phantom limb or pain, where there seems to be perception of a lost limb, it is that a degree of the property was acquired, as a function of mind, revealing that experience.

Relay stations in the brain may also contribute more to mind, aside their initial sensory processing, for some property acquisitions. This means that sensory hubs may also have property locations, to certain degrees, for emerging quantities, before or after relay elsewhere.


Self is a property in the mind. Whenever an individual knows of one’s state in a location or place, or in existence, it is a property in the mind, acquired by quantities, in prioritized or in pre-prioritization. It is possible to wake up somewhere and not know where, or to lose the sense of time, briefly, or to lose the sense of self in some situations. These are properties not acquired, acquired or null properties. There is no self that is separated from the mind.

There are situations where it is known that damage to a part of the brain may lead to losing the sense of self. Self is a property like knowing anything, to degrees.

Free will

Quantities acquire properties in prioritization and in pre-prioritization, exceeding automatic and controlled biological states.

Though prioritized quantities have the most access to property locations in any moment, but quick and multiple interchanges occur between both, making it possible to carry out several tasks in the same duration.

Free will, which is the sense of choice or decision, can be summoned to acquire certain properties, to stand, sit, eat, go to bed, hide, listen and so forth. It is also possible that some of these are acquired in pre-prioritization or the prioritization happens automatically, acquiring those properties, without the summon.

Free will is mostly prioritized quantities, mostly subject to choice, including some of its changes to other pre-prioritized.

Though other pre-prioritized quantities can become prioritized and take their own course, overpowering choice, like for sleep, and so on.

Simply, there are two components of mind, quantities acquiring properties. Quantities have two phases, one stays mostly in the domain of choice — or control, but can sometimes take its own course, to acquire properties, without choice or a switch from pre-prioritized.

It is also possible that choice quantity has its own driver, which non-choice also does, but one is often dominant, but the other one amasses volume to match it and take charge, as necessary.

It is also possible that there is just one key driver for prioritized and whatever quantity gets in becomes prioritized. It may explain how during sleep interoception gets prioritized.

Now, free will exists as long as the choice quantity or prioritized goes as wanted, without the interference of a switch from pre-prioritized, to take over.

There are limits [or degrees] of choice quantity or prioritized in how it can be directed, say to the spleen or to the pancreas but pre-prioritized quantities, from those can switch and those can become prioritized and do what they have to.

Free will uses the same mechanism as non-choice quantities on the mind, making both seem so blurry.

In summary, free will is determined by prioritized quantities regularly. But some pre-prioritized quantities can become prioritized away from choice to acquire properties, matching or exceeding how far the choice quantity does.

Cases where neural activities are observed before deciding to take an action, aligns with early-split of quantities. When someone seem to automatically go or follow in the direction of a routine — mindlessly, it is an initial prioritized quantity, splitting to acquire properties as others follow, without correction.

Principally, pre-prioritized quantities are always moving and signaling preparedness, across experiences, such that they are ready to switch to prioritized, split and follow sequences in ways that align with free will, or not.


If consciousness is confusing because of the debates, a way to simplify it, is what are thoughts?

Thoughts or their form, conceptually, are quantities. All memory, feelings, emotions, perception, and reaction are experienced in the form of thought.

Though not traditionally called thoughts, regulation of incoming signals by the mind, for internal senses, are done in the form of thought [or quantities].

Regulation or control [as property] is a form of limit and extent, which is like knowing [memory or property] how far or less an internal organ should work. This is done by prioritized [during sleep] or pre-prioritized quantities even without awareness.

It is with thought that things are known. Whatever is called mental image or representation is in the form of thought. All emotions are in the form of thought, since fear can be felt, or pain can block out thoughts, or thought about, saying they are in similar forms.

Thought is present in all mental disorders. Thoughts — as quantities, are traveling agents, acquiring feelings, memories, emotions and reactions as properties. It is thought or its form in prioritization or pre-prioritization that is present in all states of consciousness.

Self is in the form of a thought, memory is a property but does not become known or recalled unless delivered in the form of thought, after acquisition as a property. Consciousness is mostly the mind.

Quantities can make properties, though some properties are natural. Consciousness is the rate at which any system can know, with a maximum of 1.

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