That’s not what Artificial Intelligence means to me

A blog which discusses common misconceptions around the meaning of AI

Rijul Singh Malik


Photo by aisvri on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence is anything but artificial

In the past few years, we’ve seen technology advance at a breakneck speed. From the introduction of new gadgets to the widespread use of internet, the world has changed at a pace never seen before. But technology is also responsible for bringing about many misunderstandings. All of this to say that Artificial Intelligence is anything but artificial. Artificial Intelligence is a current trend that is often thrown around without people actually knowing what it means. It has its roots in the 1950s and is sometimes referred to as machine intelligence. It’s a field of computer science that’s dedicated to creating machines that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence. And it is the key to the development of self-driving cars, automatic speech recognition, or reliable search engines. But Artificial Intelligence is not something you need to worry about. While it will definitely transform the way we live, it won’t be the Terminator-like apocalyptic scenario we’ve seen in movies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot button topic right now. At least, that’s what people are saying. The reality is, AI isn’t what most people think it is. It’s not Skynet or an evil villain sitting in a cave somewhere trying to think evil thoughts. Artificial Intelligence isn’t one thing either. It’s a concept that’s been around for decades, and is actually not so ‘artificial’ after all. Artificial Intelligence is the science of replicating human intelligence in machines. It’s a science. That’s right. It’s a science. Not a buzzword or a trend. Many people don’t realize this because there are many misconceptions about what AI is and what it isn’t. Many people have this idea that AI is something new and it’s going to take over the world. But the truth is, AI is just a science, and it’s something that humans have been working on for decades.

Artificial Intelligence isn’t the solution to all your problems

Artificial intelligence is a relatively new term that has been around for over 60 years. The technology has evolved over time, but it always has the same goal: to make machines capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. Many people have misconceptions about the meaning of AI. Some people think that AI is a way for humans to get jobs done to avoid doing them. They also believe that AI will replace them. This is not the case. AI isn’t the solution to all your problems. It is simply a way to make your life easier. Some people also think that AI is a robot that looks like a human. It is not. It is a type of technology that makes machines capable of performing tasks that are usually handled by humans.

AI is a confusing subject. The reason is that the industry uses AI interchangeably with machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. While these are all a part of the AI industry, they are not the same thing. The most common misconception about artificial intelligence is that it can do everything. People think that AI is some kind of magic all-powerful tool that, when applied to a problem, will instantly solve it. Obviously, this isn’t true. No matter what AI is, it’s always going to have its weakness. Every business will have something that AI can’t do. But that doesn’t mean that AI doesn’t have its uses. The most important thing is to ask yourself: when would it be useful to use AI? Like any tool, AI is good at some things and not so good at others. It’s up to you to figure out what you need and what you don’t need in your AI toolkit.

Artificial Intelligence is not the new black magic

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often referred to as ‘the new black magic’. It is said that AI is the technology that will change it all. It will take over our jobs. It will take over our lives. It will take over the world. It will bring us to the next level. AI will create a super race. AI will create the next generation. All of those statements are true, except for one: AI is not the new black magic. The belief that AI is the new black magic has made it difficult to see AI for what it really is: a tool. AI is a tool like a hammer, a screwdriver or a camera. It can be used to build a house, to make a movie or to take a picture. It is the same with AI. AI is not a magic or a super technology. It is a tool that can be used in many different ways. The fact is that AI is a very broad term that covers a wide range of technologies, concepts and techniques.

There are a lot of misconceptions and myths around artificial intelligence (AI) and what it is, what it can do, and how it can affect businesses. First of all, it’s important to understand that AI is not, in fact, a living creature. AI is a computer program designed to mimic human behavior and actions, often learning from past experiences, data and information. These programs are designed to make decisions and take actions based on the data they have at their disposal. The misconception here is that AI can work independently from a human being and can make decisions on behalf of the human, when in fact, it does not. AI is still a computer program that is designed to help the human being in their daily lives.

Artificial Intelligence is not what you think

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most common buzzwords in today’s society. With new technological advances, AI is being applied to everything from the medical field, to education, to the art of making music. Some people even think that AI is a way for human beings to live forever. Unfortunately, many people have a misconception of what AI is, or what it can do. There are many forms of AI, but the most common form, known as weak AI, is often thrown around when people talk about the future of computers and the way they talk to one another. For example, if you have a conversation with a chatbot, you would consider this to be weak AI. Strong AI is a form of AI where computers are able to take actions independent of human beings. A good example of this is the movie “The Terminator,” where a robot becomes self-aware and decides to destroy the human race.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most used buzzwords at the moment, but few people really understand what it means. It is commonly used in the media, movies and even in the popular culture, but what is it really? Artificial intelligence is not a single technology but rather a bunch of technologies that are combined in order to solve problems that are normally associated with human intelligence. These technologies have been around for a long time now and are being used in most devices that we use in day to day life.


AI is not a definition, it is a way of approaching problems.



MS Data science @UC IRVINE | Data Scientist | Blogger | Content Creator | Avid Traveller