The Art of Regularization

What to do when your model refuses to generalise…

Aishwarya Nair
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2019


Underfitting and Overfitting are the most common problems while building a machine learning model. You can check out my previous blog to read more about it( This blog addresses the issue of Overfitting and how to resolve it using a technique known as Regularization.

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Regularization is a form of regression that constrains or shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero. This technique discourages learning a more complex or flexible model, so as to avoid overfitting.

There are three types of Regularization :

  1. L1 Regularization or L1 norm:
  • Also know as Lasso Regularization / Panelization performs Least Absolute Shrinkage (Minimum possible shrinkage) and Selection Operator (Performs feature selection) by setting high coefficients to 0.
  • It does not work on categorical variables. To use L1 on categorical variables, you might need to use something called as a grouped lasso. But even in grouped lasso, it will only choose 1 category and ignore the rest of the categories in a grouped variable.

2. L2 Regularization or L2 norm:

  • Also known as the Ridge Regularization / Penalization or Tikhnov Regularization, it minimizes the cost function without enforcing zero or doing a feature elimination
  • Before applying Ridge Regression, you might need to normalize the variables by bringing them to the same scale.

3. Elastic net:

  • This type of Regularization implements both a Lasso and a Ridge type of Regularization together.
  • This is the best type of Regularization and can be used when in doubt as it is piece wise linear.

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