The First Four Main Revolutions In The Industrial World

We’re on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution

Anh T. Dang


illustrated by me

Over a period of hundreds of years, the search for disruptive and innovative solutions to make competitive advantages has led to various revolutions in industrial developments. These are the most important milestones that have changed the course of human history.

Humans are creating more wealth now than ever before.

Since the first industrial revolution with the steam engine (1st), the following radical changes were appeared such as automated manufacturing environment (2nd), digital machines (3rd) and caused exceptional effects on productivity and efficiency.

The main revolutions in the industrial world

The first industrial revolution — 1765

Where water and steam machines were developed to facilitate the workers efficiency from about 1760 to around 1840. It transited from muscle power to mechanical power.

A world where horses lost their monopoly position

An 1830 battle between steam and horsepower marked the moment when the Industrial Revolution changed transportation forever¹.

The second industrial revolution — 1870

Which started in the late 19th century and into the early 20th century, the emergence of a new source of energy: electricity, gas, and oil. This era used electric power to create mass production². It brought out mass advancements in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation that started in Britain, made its way to Europe and North America, and then quickly to the rest of the world.

The third industrial revolution — 1969

It was introduced in around 1970, usually called the computer or digital revolution involved the development of computers and IT as the key driver. Automation is the key concept of this revolution, still, it required human intervention.

Jobs with Wozniak (right) in in the garage of Jobs’ parents in 1976

Many people around the world haven’t yet benefited from the third industrial revolutions with more than 4 billion people still have no Internet connection³.

Industry 4.0 and What things are driving it?

The first three industrial revolutions have resulted in radical changes in manufacturing which are mechanization, the use of electricity and information technology.

In the present era, the world is on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. It is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological worlds. This term was first introduced by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the Geneva-based WEF in his book in 2016 titled “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”⁴. In facts, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has started at the beginning of the twenty-first century based on IoT.

Can humans and robots truly be friends?

The emerging technologies driving the fourth industrial revolution include, among others artificial intelligence and robotics, neuro-technologies, biotechnologies, virtual and augmented reality and so on that are advanced within the last decade.

Next time, I will tell you more about how to this advanced technologies applied to the fourth industrial revolution. It will be a great story!!!


[1] Randy Alfred, 2018, WIRED. 09-18-1830: Horse beats iron horse, for the time being.

[2] J. B. Williams, 2017, Springer. Beginnings of Mass Production: Electric Power in Industry.

[3] Mikael Ricknäs, 2015, PCWorld. Over 4 billion people still have no Internet connection.

[4] Klaus Schwab, 2017. The Fourth Industrial Revolution.



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