The One Simple Trick I Used to Earn My First Million Dollars

Charles Black M.D.
Published in
7 min readApr 8, 2021


One simple change in my approach to handling money made a million differences in my bank balance.

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

You want to save more money. You dream of one day having enough money that you don’t need to worry about your finances ever again. To do that, you need to start saving and investing. Today.

However, at the end of every month, you look at your bank balance and find no money left for the future. And, thanks to the power of compound interest, each month you don’t invest is more than one month you get behind on your dream.

You know you need to get started today. That waiting that one more month is putting your future in jeopardy. You know you need to invest, but you can’t find the cash to do it.

The Most Important step is the First

The power of investing is in getting started early and giving your money time to grow. Every month you put off investing in yourself is a wasted opportunity to secure your future. You already know this. You know that you will either need to put away more money in the future or put off your dreams by not putting away money today. Neither option is appealing. So why don’t you do what you know you need to do?

Why You Can’t Do It

The answer is that you are human with all the foils, failings, and baggage that go along with being the descendant of cave-people. It did not make sense for your Paleolithic progenitors to save and invest. For one thing, they had no money or the stock market. For another, the things your stone-age ancestors valued did not last for long. In a world without refrigeration, it did not make sense to save food. Fresh meat that was not eaten immediately spoiled and was worthless. It only made sense to eat up and enjoy while it lasted.

That same attitude carried over to you. Your caveman brain does not see the value in saving for the future. That quirk becomes a real stumbling block for you because the world you live in is very different from the one your cave-dweller brain evolved to survive. So what can you do?

Pay Yourself First



Dr. Charles Black is a general surgeon, author, photographer, outdoorsman, world traveler and fireside philosopher. Website: