Top 10 Python Web Development Frameworks used in 2019

Shakun Grover


Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamically typed and interactive programming language. Since past years, it has become one of the most trendings and demanding language among developers. It will be better to say that python is the backbone tool for Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers. The popularity of Python is not only limited to particular domains like — Data Science, AL, and ML; but also enriching its popularity in other technical areas such as — Web Development, IOT and so on. All this is because Python has a novel syntax that distinguishes it from other programming languages avail in the IT sector. It is also considered as beginner’s and developer’s friendly language.

What do Python Programmers need to make their life easier, the answer is frameworks? By modifying the execution of redundant tasks, frameworks reduce development as well as also enable developers as they fully emphasis on application logic rather than routine elements. Due to its readability and maintainability, developers use immense frameworks so as to run the application effectively, easily within a short span. In the Web Development process, frameworks are like a gift for the developers as it makes developers’ life easier and happy.

As it is a leading programming language, there is no scarcity of frameworks used in Python. In this year, immense frameworks of Python have been addressed; hence following is given different frameworks of Python are stated as under -

1. AIOHTTP — This Python framework relies on Python 3.5+ features, i.e. async & awaits. AIOHTTP serves as a client framework and it makes use of the asyncio library in Python, hence an asynchronous framework. It supports both Client WebSockets and Server WebSockets without the Callback Hell. AIOHTTP renders a request object and router in order to alter the redirection of issues regarding functions developed to resolve the same.

2. Django — It is a high-level Python framework which enables to develop things rapidly; Django uses pragmatic design. The programming language was built by experienced developers, it carries out much of hassle of Web Development so that users can concentrate on writing an app without needing to reinventing the wheel. Django includes dozens of extras which will help you to handle common web development tasks. Along with this, the framework is mostly used by renowned companies, such as — Instagram, Disqus, Pinterest, Mozilla, Bitbucket and The Washington Times. Developers uses ORM so as to map objects to database tables.

3. Web2py — It is free to open source full-stake development framework in python that allows users to evolve things rapidly. Web2Py is a cross-platform which supports all types of operational systems. Basically, the framework makes easier the web development process by considering a web server, web-based interface, and SQL database. The most attractive key feature of this framework is, it is used in ticket granting mechanisms in order to recollect the errors and its status. Web2Py has in-built constituents to manage HTTP requests, reactions, sessions, and cookies.

4. Turbo Gears — It is a free, data-driven and open source Python framework which builds on the top of Django, rails, and TourGear1. The framework is designed in order to overcome the drawbacks of immensely used web application development frameworks. TurboGears requires a less set-up to evolve a web application although, with the assistance of Javascript developers you can simply the web application.

5. CubicWeb — This Web Application Development framework is a semantic, free and open-source of Python which empowers developers as they can efficiently build different web application by reusing cubes by following object-oriented design fundamentals. CubicWeb also supports Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL); furthermore, it has a Relational Query Language that enables to erase all the issues generated in the data processing.

6. Flask — This Python framework is available in BSD license as it was divine by Sinatra Ruby framework. The prime purpose to build Flask is to develop a solid web application foundation and generally termed as a micro web framework. In comparison with Django, the flask is the most appropriate framework for small and easy projects. The features of Flask are — lightweight framework, built-in development server, and debugger as well as compatible with Google App Engine. Flask depends on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2

7. CherryPy — This is a minimalist and open-source framework. It has been over-viewed by experts that cherryPy powered web applications are standalone python application which embeds its own multi-threaded web server. The Python framework runs on operating systems, i.e. Windows, Linux, macOS, etc. Moreover, CherryPy isn’t a very confined framework, in fact, it allows to use all type of technologies in order to tempting data access and so on. However, still, the framework is unable to handle sessions, cookies, file uploads, etc.

8. Bottle — It is a microframework, originally meant to build APIs; Bottle employs everything in a single source file. There are no dependencies apart from the Python standard library. Utilities of Bottle is to make comfortably access documents or files and further HTTP related metadata.

9. Tornado — This framework is asynchronous networking library which is widely used under non-blocking I/O and solves the C10K issues. Its ability makes Tornado a great tool for building application requires high performance and tens of thousands of concurrent queries. It is inherent support for user authentication, renders real-time support, high-quality performance and Non-blocking HTTP client.

10. Dash — This framework is developed for making an analytical web-based application. It is especially advantageous for Python Data Scientists who aren’t much acquaintance with the web development process. Basically, Dash applications are web servers which run flask and interact with JSON packets over HTTP request. In addition to this, applications developed under the framework of Dash can be deployed to servers. It too means that Dash applications are implicit in cross-platform and mobile-ready.

Therefore, the above-given frameworks are the widespread use of web application development frameworks for Python for you to learn in 2019. The immense growth of the technical world, these frameworks are getting popular day by day according to web application development scenario. In a short way, each framework as its own pros and cons, all you need is to calibrate the appropriate framework as per your requirements. I really hope you’ve found an interesting framework of your need in this article.

