A Complete Guide to know About WEB 3.0

Jonas Wald
Published in
7 min readDec 10, 2022


WEB 3.0 Technology

Are you a person who understands the potential of digital technology? Let’s talk about web 3.0, which we once thought might actually happen in the real world. Let’s raise a glass to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

web 3.0 is the next generation of advanced web technology with the vision of decentralized, it helps the user to get the relevant data information without the intermediate of third party. So this helps the user to secure their data.

Web 3.0 is updating the internet with the same intelligence free of access without collecting the user’s data by a particular organization. Web 3.0 is one of the basis of blockchain technology that powers NFT trading and cryptocurrencies. In web 3.0, users will directly interact with the data, it is one of the basis of blockchain technology.

Web 3.0 is going to impact future markets, Many businesses can’t avoid these web 3.0 which will lead to transforming the customer’s life. The future business is evolving with web 3.0, which provides peer-to-peer transactions without any intermediate between banks, government, or other organizations.

Let us first see…

Evolution of web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0

Web 1.0 is the first stage of the website. It is a read-only website and is used to read only the content from the website, since its pages are powered by HTML, HTTP, and URL technology that can be read by users.

Web 2.0 is an interactive site, in which a user can read and write content on this site. This web 2.0 is mainly owned by many tech companies like Facebook, and Amazon, which collects the user’s data and gives them a suggestion accordingly.

Web 3.0 is the artificial intelligence thing, which supports decentralization methods for users. This web 3.0 analyze the user’s behavior and suggests the information accordingly rather than inserting any keywords. Another special thing about web 3.0 is it gives personalized information to each user.

Web 3.0 : How does it works?

Web 3.0 is used to make the internet still faster. In web 2.0, you have to search the query in search engines and it takes from the server and delivers you the choice of information you want. Whereas in web 3.0, it is maintained by the blockchain process by building apps on decentralized machines and maintained by unknown nodes on the web.

Web 3.0 is blockchain technology, and is something that collects your data and suggests information that you actually expect, without a centralized system. It does not lead the user to search in-depth, instead, the user can search for the shortest term. So it gives you the exact information by analyzing the behavior of users. The behavior of the users is analyzed by the previous search data. And here artificial intelligence plays a major role. It finds out the user’s most liked information on the internet by relating it with previous searches and data the user has seen often.

For example: If you are planning for a movie, you would search for the movie on google. Normally, it shows the movie that was released recently, and you have to select the movie language and fetch the genre of that movie and choose your favorite one.

But in web 3.0, there is no need to research what we discussed above and you no need to be stressed out, you can just search in the simple terms “new movie release”. Web 3.0, now uses its artificial intelligence and machine learning process to automatically analyze your favorite genre, and actor, by your already searched details and gives you the details you more likely to see,

web 3.0 : Features

Web 3.0 has excellent features which are going to impact the future of business, and it also leads the users to still speed up the process. Let’s discuss the innovative features which are going to still speed up the process in a decentralized manner.

Semantic web

The semantic web understands humans and provides extra online technologies by using additional functionalities. This semantic web allows users to create, share, and link material through search analysis. This search analysis in web 3.0, will only try to focus on the accurate meaning of the words and the context behind them. A more realistic alternative to translating data into numbers or keywords is the semantic web.

Artificial intelligence

AI can help the system to understand the human mind to provide a quick and productive result. The feature of AI improves human-based corrupt practices, such as reviews of the products on google, since the google review is not genuine. So in this web 3.0, the artificial features support analyzing users’ needs like what he prefers more in a particular product like price, color, and quality and suggest them accordingly by analyzing the user’s previously searched data.

3-D Graphics or Metaverse:

In web 3.0, 3-D graphics play a major role, which is commonly termed as metaverse, It has a high chance of involving future businesses in the metaverse since users can experience the feel of the product/ service of the business.

Connectivity and ubiquity:

In the web 3.o, the connectivity and ubiquity allow the users to be highly based on the IoT sensors, which enables the internet available to anywhere at any time without computers and smartphones. It has a specialty of being everywhere and at the same time.

Blockchain and decentralization:

The main advantage of web 3.0 is that can be encrypted and protected, to avoid data collection from top tech companies. It also enables to use of web 3.0 in a decentralized manner, so there will be no authorized party to control or collect user data and transactions.

web 3.0 : Advantages

Web 3.0 brings a lot more technological solutions to future businesses, which will surely change the lifestyle of people’s routines. Let’s see some of the current advantages of web 3.0.

Control over the data ownership:

In regular web 2.0, you need to enter your details to access the different platforms.

For example, if you are creating a video, or content and sharing them with all the online platforms, By this, the tech organization monetizes and collects data in the platform you have given your details to get access from that particular platform. In web 3.0 you will not face this issue, You will be responsible for your data. since web 3.0 uses decentralized features.

Ubiquitous Access to Data:

In web 3.0, users can access data from anywhere with any smart device, It can also connect to the internet without computers or smartphones. This helps the user to achieve the goal of the users to get information from anywhere on the planet.

Advanced marketing

Once web 3.0 is implemented, online business owners can easily find out their potential customers by analyzing the users’ behavior with AI features in web 3.0 and sharing relevant advertisements to convert them into sales.

Better security:

In web 3.0, your data will be secured without sharing to third-party organizations. It privately analyzes your data and suggests what exactly you need and also your favorite one. This can be tracked by the feature of AI and machine learning features. But this will not allow another party to access your information, since it is implemented by the blockchain process.

web 3.0 : Disadvantages

Affect the newcomers:

If web 3.0 becomes mandatory, it would affect lots of business people involved in this new technology which might bring them trust issues, and they might not know how to implement their business point of view in this web 3.0 to work out for it. This also leads the new users to feel panic to know accurate details about them.

Lack of high average specifications:

Web3 is powered by a variety of technologies, including blockchain, AI, and machine learning. It will use 3D graphics, semantic data, and other technologies. To use Web3, users will require a device with higher-than-average specifications.

Some of the future web 3.0 live projects we expect:

There are plenty of projects planned to implement in web 3.0, Which is going to change the lifestyle of technology to another level. Let’s see some of the future projects in this web 3.0.

NFT marketplace:

NFT marketplace will evolve as one of the best platforms in web 3.0, where you can sell, bid, and buy the NFT. NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that represents collectibles, art, games, music, etc.

As you want to turn an NFT marketplace into a business, This is the peak period to start, which gives you massive revenue at an early stage, To know more about How to create an nft marketplace.

Decentralized platforms:

Information will be kept in numerous places at once in Web 3.0. Massive databases currently held by tech goliaths like Google and Facebook won’t be used anymore thanks to this.

All locations and devices will be able to access Web 3.0, and a wide range of potent computing devices, such as desktops, mobile phones, appliances, and sensors, will be used to generate the data. Users will have ownership control over the data because they will sell it through decentralized data networks.

The future will surely lead to a decentralized-based technology, so you with a business background should start a decentralized platform now, to reach the future markets. The most often used decentralized platform in the markets.

AI and machine learning

In Web 3.0, computers will employ AI and ML algorithms to filter and present the best information to consumers based on their search. These algorithms will enable computers to mimic human learning processes and gradually improve their accuracy. As a result, they will generate results that are more pertinent than Web 2.0’s simple targeted advertising.

With the help of AI algorithms, Web 3.0 websites will be able to tailor information to each user’s preferences and likes, get rid of problems like rating manipulation (for instance, on websites that rate movies like IMDb), and give users the best, most objective information possible.

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I’ve been exploring and helping people to figure various aspects for one to build an empire based on the blockchain technology and crypto.