What are the top certifications in Blockchain to get a Salary hike?

Rashmeet Kaur
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2021


Blockchain is one of the most popular and widely used technologies at present. Its secure technology, transparent transaction, and authenticity checking is the best feature. Many fields are now using blockchain technology to grow their security and transparency. Blockchain technology also helps the organization to go digital. The digital world gives more exposure to any organization. Because of its growing demand and usability, many jobs are available in this field. Many more areas also want to use blockchain in the future. So the job scope will surely expand in the future.

What are the top certifications in Blockchain to get a Salary hike?

Top certifications in Blockchain to get a Salary hike:

Many people are already working in blockchain technology. And many others think to start blockchain technology courses for jobs. Blockchain technology is now widely used in different fields. And this variety of areas makes many different job roles. So it is better to start a blockchain course or blockchain developer course, which will be best suited for this time.

Here we briefly discuss the best blockchain certification course which will help people to get a good job. These courses can also help one to get a good salary hike in the blockchain field. The courses are,

1. Blockchain for business:

This course is specially designed for business growth. It is one of the top-rated and most suitable courses in this segment. This course will teach one the basic blockchain properties and their effect on the business. It also teaches how to use blockchain to grow the business. Big data, land and vehicle registration, helping farmers, KYC, and many more real-life applications are part of this course. All companies always want to grow. Doing this can land one in a good job or give the existing blockchain developer a good salary hike.

2. Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect:

Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect or CEBA is an advance-course that is also in demand. This course focuses on customer needs. This course teaches how to choose the proper blockchain technology as per customer need. Developers, IT administrators, software architects, and cloud architects can do this course. And they can become more efficient in the industry and can expect a good salary hike. However, students can also do this course and join the blockchain career as this is an advanced blockchain course, so it is better to have some experience in the blockchain field before starting the lesson.

3. Blockchain Development with EOS and C++:

This course can be very beneficial for existing software developers. It provides knowledge about the difference between EOS blockchain and Etehreum or Bitcoin. This course also offers proper expertise on blockchain technology using C++ programming language to code EOS. It also teaches how to set up an IDE with the help of EOS. It also teaches how to deploy tokens to the EOS blockchain platform — building decentralized applications using blockchain technology. And developing smart contracts is also a part of this course. It is better to have basic programming knowledge to start the procedure. Apart from this, one also needs to get familiar with the terminal in which they want to use the blockchain. This blockchain course is also a great course to learn. It will help to get a good job, as well as it will help to get a salary hike for blockchain developers.

4. Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization:

Blockchain is widely used in finance. Its transparent payment method and secure platform make this technology the best fit for the financial field. So it is better to do a course which gives good knowledge on blockchain for finance. This course teaches the fundamental building blocks of financial technology based on blockchain. Technology-based financial strategy, real-world applications, complex regulations of cryptocurrency is in this course. This course also teaches peer-to-peer lending, the modern investment strategy for optimal results. The payment methods and crowdfunding are also in this course. This course is an excellent choice for a career. This advanced and financial-based blockchain course can land one in a high-paying job.


As blockchain technology is expanding, more people are joining this field. There are already thousands of blockchain courses available in online or offline mode. So it is better to do a better and job-related blockchain course. All the discussed techniques are advanced and are highly skill-oriented.

Doing these courses will effectively make one better in the field of blockchain. Organizations already want skilled professionals. And organizations pay better to the qualified employees. So acquiring these skills will benefit all the existing blockchain professionals. Best blockchain certification can also give one the best job. So it is better to choose the best blockchain certification course for a better career.

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