Why Game Testing is Important For Successful Game App Development?

Gautam Raturi
Published in
8 min readAug 2, 2022


In the gaming world, there is a lot at stake. There are thousands of dollars invested in development costs and millions of dollars spent on marketing.

The gaming market is expected to reach $268.8 billion by 2025, compared to $178 billion in 2021.

For this reason, game testing cannot be taken lightly and should not be treated as a matter of convenience or preference. You must understand how to test games effectively or hire a game development company, so your efforts do not go to waste or cause more damage than good.

This guide will cover everything from the different types of testing, how game testing differs from software testing, how to become a game tester, and much more.

Let’s get started!

What Is Game Testing?

Game testing is the process of evaluating a game for any errors or bugs. It is crucial to test the software before it is released so that you can find and fix any problems early on.

It helps to ensure that your game meets the requirements and standards of your users. You should also ensure that your game works well with all types of hardware, including different operating systems or browsers, mobile devices (phones), tablets, etc.

Why Do We Need Game Testing?

Game testing is a process where a game is tested to find bugs and errors. The primary purpose of game testing is to ensure that the final product meets up to the expectations of players and developers alike.

Hire game developers to test your games because it helps them identify problems or issues with their work that they may have missed before launching their titles. It allows developers time during development to fix the glaring problems before releasing games onto digital marketplaces like Play Store, saving time and money.

How Game Testing Is Different From Other Software Testing Game Testing Vs. Software Testing

Game testing is different from other software testing because it is more complex. You are required to use your creativity and imagination in the process. In addition, you will need to deeply understand the game and its engine for, say, unity game development.

It would be best if you had a thorough understanding of how the game works — from its core mechanics to its user interface (UI) elements — before you can begin performing proper tests on them.

As such, it might not be easy for someone who has never played this particular game before to immediately become a good game tester. They might need some time before becoming efficient as an evaluator or reviewer of games’ performance over time (such as after launch).

Types Of Game Testing

One-third of the world’s population are gamers. So you need to ensure every new game release is adequately tested. There are many different types of game testing. Here are some popular ones:

  • Functionality Testing

Functionality testing is what most people think of when they think about game testing. It involves playing through the game and ensuring everything works as expected, from the controls to in-game menus to levels and anything else that might be part of a game.

  • Combinatorial Testing

Combinatorial testing is similar to functionality testing in that it involves playing through a game. Still, it tests every possible combination of inputs or variables that could affect gameplay (e.g., if you have four buttons on a controller with two possible states each). This type of testing can take quite some time.

  • Clean Room Testing

Humans, rather than computers, do clean room testing because it’s more difficult for software programs to account for all possible scenarios without human error creeping in at some point along the way. There’s also no guarantee that any automated program would catch everything either way.

Clean room testers often work closely with developers. Hence, they’re aware of upcoming features before they’re released into production environments where users will interact with them directly (as opposed to simply using them while playing games).

  • Tree Testing

Tree testing is a method in which testers explore possible menu options and paths through the game. It’s similar to combinatorial testing but with less emphasis on specific inputs or variables as long as they’re all listed somewhere.

Tree testing can take quite some time and requires patience from both the tester and developer because there are many possibilities.

  • Play Testing

Playtesting involves playing through a game from start to finish without knowing what will happen next (unless you’ve already played it before). It is one of the best ways to find bugs and exploits because you’re not relying on prior knowledge about how things should work. You can experiment with different options until something breaks.

  • Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing ensures that a game or application works on multiple operating systems and hardware configurations without crashing or displaying errors. It can be tricky since different platforms have various features that might not be compatible.

Game developers also need to ensure that their games run on different types of computers — Intel processors versus AMD processors and desktops versus laptops. All these differences mean there are many potential ways for things to go wrong when running software on those systems.

What are the phases of the Game Testing Life Cycle?

The testing life cycle phases are plan, prepare, perform, report, repair, and repeat. Let’s look at each stage individually and understand what it means to game test.

  • Plan

A plan is a broad overview of how you want to game test your product or prototype. Your plan may include things like who will be testing the product and what types of tests you want them to run on the product (e.g., usability testing vs. performance testing).

  • Prepare

Preparing for game testing involves gathering all necessary materials for your project to have everything in place when it comes time for playtesting sessions with users/players/testers (see below).

It includes making sure that any handouts or other printed materials needed by testers are ready before starting playtesting sessions; if they aren’t prepared before starting playtesting sessions, then chances are they won’t be available when needed.

  • Perform

The perform phase is when you run your game testing sessions with users/players/testers. You may want to do this in a location conducive to playing games or at least has some space where people can sit down and enjoy themselves while playing your game.

  • Report

After running game testing sessions, it’s essential to report on the results of those tests so others know what went right and wrong with their testing efforts.

  • Repair

Once you’ve reported on your results, you’ll need to make any necessary changes so that things don’t get worse before they get better.

  • Repeat

After repairing any issues found during testing sessions, it’s time to go back and do another round of playtesting just in case anything else was missed. It will help ensure all is well with your game development efforts before release.

How Do You Test A Game?

  • Gather The Requirement

One of the most important things for a game tester is to gather all the requirements and information about the game. It must be done before any testing can take place because it ensures that you know exactly what needs to be tested, how it should be tested, and if any other essential factors need to be considered while testing.

  • Prepare The Test Strategy

After gathering all of these requirements and setting up your test environment, you should create a strategic plan for your tests so that they are correctly executed and efficiently with minimal errors or bugs (if any).

It will help ensure that every aspect of the game is inspected by multiple people who know where potential issues could arise. So they can fix them before releasing an unstable version onto public servers later on down the line when more people will start playing online games more often than ever before.

  • Design Test Cases

Once you have gathered all the requirements and created a plan for your tests, it is time to start designing them. It may seem easy, but many different test cases, such as functional, performance, and usability, must be considered.

  • Execute Test Cases

After all the work that has gone into preparing for these tests, it is finally time to run them. You will want to make sure that someone who knows about the game and has played it before is available as they may pick up on things that others wouldn’t notice while playing (e.g., if there are any bugs in some regions of the map).

  • Record The Results

Once all of these tests have been completed, recording them in an organized format is essential so that they can be referenced easily later on down the line when more people will start playing online games more often than ever.

  • Maintain The Defect Log

An effective way to track issues throughout your testing process is by creating a defect log. It will help ensure that every aspect of the game has been thoroughly inspected by multiple people who know where potential issues could arise so that you can fix them before it goes live on either console or PC platforms.

This process has been used for years by many people in all industries, especially those who work with games and software, as there are so many different components that need consideration when testing out new features or revisions being made to existing ones.

How To Become A Game Tester?

First, you’ll need to be creative. You’ll need to think outside the box, which requires a lot of creativity. When it comes down to it, the video game industry is all about pushing boundaries and finding new ways of doing things.

Secondly, you’ll need to be able to work well with others. This means you have good communication and strong interpersonal skills (the ability to get along with others).

Thirdly, you’ll need excellent time management skills and an ability to follow directions carefully and accurately without making mistakes or errors. It also helps if you work well under pressure because video game testers aren’t always given a lot of time before deadlines start approaching them quickly around every corner.

But if done right then, those deadlines will never seem like such daunting obstacles anymore; not even close. They might even feel more like fun little challenges instead.


Game testing is a complex process that requires a lot of time, effort, and coordination. Hiring a mobile app development company will help you look beyond bugs in the game and report them to the developers. It’s about ensuring the game is fun, entertaining, and engaging for the players.

The ultimate goal of game testing is to ensure that the players are satisfied with their experience while playing the game. The more enjoyable it is for them, the more likely they will be willing to pay for it or even recommend it to others.

Therefore, testers need to remember that they are not just looking for bugs in games but also making sure they are fun enough to keep players engaged and entertained throughout their playing experience.

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