Young Programmers of this modern age

James Logan


As everyone knows that technology is growing rapidly and in these days technology is attracting new generation of this modern age.In this article I would like to introduce you to some young programmers of this age.

First let me introduce myself. I am James Logan and i m a journalist. Now Iwould like to say why i choose this topic, I love to read articles and recently I heard about many young programmers of this age, they are self taught .So thought to write a article on them and medium is best way to share our information with everyone on this planet.

Tanmay Bakshi

Lets meet Tanmay Bakshi. He is a self-taught teenager developer who developed several apps and source code from the age of five. His parents immigrated from Delhi, India to Brampton, Canada in 2004 when he was one year old. Father Puneet Bakshi is a computer programmer. Mother Sumita is housewife. Tanmay is World’s Youngest IBM Watson Programmer. Now he’s a Computer programmer, artificial intelligence expert and all-around tech extraordinaire. He’s developed multiple apps, published a book, hosted a TEDx Talk and spoken at IBM Watson summits around the world including Finland, New Zealand, Denmark and Australia.

But there’s something surprising about him: He’s only 14 years old.

Though he first caught the attention of IBM at age 11, Bakshi’s rise in the tech industry began much earlier. While peers were stacking Legos and playing make-believe, a five-year-old Bakshi was learning how to code.

His father Puneet Bakshi worked as a computer programmer for a number of years. As the elder Bakshi typed out codes, his enthralled son watched the process.

Sensing this budding curiosity, his father taught him how to program. From there, Bakshi began using the internet on his own and reading books on programming.

At age seven, Bakshi set up a YouTube channel where he posted tutorials on coding and web development. With each video upload, he received thousands of questions from people all over the world.

He’s such a good inspiration to ones of his age.

Now Lets meet Ansh Dhomne. He is also a self taught teen age programmer. he’s a Android and iOS app developer having a strong interest towards artificial intelligence .

At the age of 16 he started programming learned many languages in few weeks ,and launched his first app in play store at the age of 16.

He’s from India ,Nagpur (Maharashtra),In an interview he told us he was so fascinated about technology from the first time when he touched computer .He don’t have have that big programming background,He use to see his father’s younger brother doing programming that caught his interest towards programming while he’s doing 10th standard preparations he use to write code as well, Giving equal amount of time to both.

he showed us many of his creations in android world ,Augmented Reality App with face filters like snapchat, Machine learning App, A fast sharing app like shareIt and PC app sharing as well.Now he’s cleaning his hands in machine learning,Deep learning.He told us his mission to help ones who is weak in programming and he wants to share his knowledge with this world.So he’s planning to set up a channel in YouTube, because he see YouTube is the best way of sharing knowledge among the planet.

He’s such an wonderful insipiration to everyone.

Seth Yee

Now meet another great child prodigy Seth Yee. Seth Yee knows three programming languages Arduino, JavaScript and Python.He thinks at the level of students more than twice his age. He’s a very talented kid.he have his interest in quantum computing and physics 2 years ago he built a ship in ship in KSP (Kerbal Space program).

he said When I code on the computer, I feel really excited because I might be able to programme an AI (artificial intelligence) and I can have virtual conversations with it.

At the age of 6 at Singapore teachers contact their parents to tell about Seth he’s understanding very fast what we are teaching and he is distracting other classmates. So his parents decide to move to Melbourne (Australia) where is attending the curriculum offered by a primary school in Melbourne. Computer teacher Kieren Nolan’s first impression of his new student from Singapore was just how intelligent he was for his age. “What struck me was the fact that he was so advanced. I honestly think that a lot of his thinking is at university level,” he said.

Mr Nolan currently teaches Seth coding, computer building and blockchain technology.

Dr Andrea Morello, a professor of quantum engineering at UNSW, showed the eight-year-old around and explained his research. His advice for Seth, if he ever wants to become a “professional scientist”: Have perseverance.“The most important thing for a bright and very curious kid like that, is to at some point learn to stick to one thing and take it to the end,” he said. “He would have to decide that this is what he is going for, and become the best at something.”

He’s also one of the great inspiration to everyone.

Lets wrap for this now, I m still in research for many young programmers in this world. Part 2 will be coming soon with more young programmers and their stories.

